
(Japanese:ポケモンゲットだぜ!GetPokémon!)isashōnenPokémonmangaserieswhichwasreleasedin1999.Itisacomedy-styledadventureaboutaPokémon ...,TheJapaneseequivalentisGetPokémon!(Japanese:ポケモンゲットだぜー!Pokémongetdaze~!,alsospeltポケモンGETだぜー!)Contents.,Thisversion,entitledGottaCatch'emAll(alsoreferredtoasthePokémonTheme)isusedintheEnglishdubofポケットモンスター,asbroadcastinits ...,Itisde...

Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All

(Japanese: ポケモンゲットだぜ! Get Pokémon!) is a shōnen Pokémon manga series which was released in 1999. It is a comedy-styled adventure about a Pokémon ...

Gotta catch 'em all!

The Japanese equivalent is Get Pokémon! (Japanese: ポケモンゲットだぜー! Pokémon get da ze~!, also spelt ポケモンGETだぜー!) Contents.

ポケットモンスター theme song

This version, entitled Gotta Catch 'em All (also referred to as the Pokémon Theme) is used in the English dub of ポケットモンスター, as broadcast in its ...

Pokémon Theme

It is derived from the Japanese tagline (ポケモンGETだぜ!, Pokémon getto da ze!) Furthermore, Gotta Catch 'em all! came from a series of contenders, which ...

The original Japanese theme song

2022年11月13日 — The good version of the opening. The Pokemon gotta catch them all is too overrated.

Does anyone know where to find the Japanese version of ...

2013年1月12日 — Does anyone know where to find the Japanese version of the season 1 American Pokemon Theme Song? ... Gotta Catch 'Em All song from the American ...